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Dirk's Piano Tuner

Dirk's Piano Tuner
piano tuning, piano tuner
Dirk's Piano Tuner analyzes your instrument and uses the results to calculate the optimal tuning for your piano in particular.

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Using this calculated setting, you can then tune your piano, in no time, to a professional level, without having to go through the classical, time consuming, process of 'checking the intervals'.

Dirk's professional Accordion Tuner

Dirk's professional Accordion Tuner
accordion tuning. accordion tuner
This tuner is developed for tuning of accordions and similar 'free-reed' instruments such as the diatonic harmonica, the concertina, the bandoneón, the melodica and the reed organ. The unique possibilities of this tuner simplify and accelerate the tuning process considerably.

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The tuner has a large range from E0 up to C9, a very high accuracy of less than 0.05 Hz (waves of longer than 20 seconds) and can measure to three reeds at the same time. Because of this the tuning of the accordion can be measured without disabling reeds before opening the case. This way it is considerably simpler and quicker to select the reed that deviates and needs attention. The tuner measures beat counts that arise because the reeds sound together and shows these in Cent or Hertz.

Course 'Piano Tuning for beginners'

Course 'Piano Tuning for beginners'
Course 'Piano Tuning'
During this week you will learn the theoretical and practical steps of the piano tuning process. (with the help of Dirk's Piano Tuner). What is tuning and why is it necessary? Tuning by ear vs. tuning devices. Tuning practical with Dirk's Tuner. ...

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HOHNER Harmonica Tuner

HOHNER Harmonica Tuner
harmonica tuning, harmonica tuner
The HOHNER Harmonica Tuner is developed by Dirk's Projects in collaboration with HOHNER Musikinstrumente. This tuner enables Harmonica owners to tune their own instrument. The tuning process is easy to learn and is clearly explained in the tutorial video.

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The HOHNER Harmonica Tuner is developed by Dirk's Projects in collaboration with HOHNER Musikinstrumente. This tuner enables Harmonica owners to tune their own instrument. The tuning process is easy to learn and is clearly explained in the tutorial video.

Dirk's Chromatic Instrument Tuner

Dirk's Chromatic Instrument Tuner
Dirk's Chromatic Tuner
Using this chromatic tuner, you can tune various instruments e.g. '(fair) organs'. It ranges from B1 (61.7 Hz) up to C8 (4186.0 Hz).

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Easy and accurate tuning of musical instruments. Tune with your pc or laptop with an external or internal microphone. Always accurate. Calibration works fully automatic. Measure two tones (at the same time) and their beating. The frequency of the A is configurable between 430 and 450 Hz. ...

Free Dirk's Guitar Tuner

Dirk's Guitar Tuner
guitar tuning, guitar tuner
Tune your guitar quick, accurate and easy with this tuner on your pc or laptop.

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This tuner has been specifically developed for tuning guitars. It enables fast and accurate tuning of your guitar(s). Suitable for acoustic and electric guitars. Always accurate. Calibration works fully automatic. Detects and displays the note to be tuned automatically. ...

Gift Cards

Gift Cards
Gift Cards
You can purchase a gift card for one of Dirk's products here. You will receive the gift card at your postal address. The code on the card can be used to claim the product on this website.
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